Lately I've been obsessing with crochet scarves, as you know, most specifically with a triangle one! I saw one of my friends wearing one and wanted one for myself instantly. She said that it's from her mother, when she wore it long time ago.
That could only mean that my mother had one too, since it was a fashion must back in the time. And guess what? She did have, and not only one! She had crochet - black and white, as well as black silk one for more "glamorous'' occasions.
And about the scarf... We're in love now :))
Во последно време се опседнав со плетени шалови, како што знаете, посебно со оние во триаголна форма! Видов една другарка како носеше и веднаш посакав и јас! Ми кажа дека е на мајка и’, од времето.
Тоа значеше само едно - дека и мајка ми сигурно има. И да, има! И тоа не само еден. Обични плетени два - црн и бел, дури и еден плетен со свилен конец - за посвечени прилики :)
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